Students and Alumni
TSANG Nai Wang, Perseus

B.A. (Hons) in Language Studies, CityU HK, 2011
B.A. in Liberal and Cultural Studies, HKBU, 2011
M.A. in Anthropology, CUHK, 2012
Home town: Hong Kong
Email: perseustsang’at’gmail.com

One of the positive impacts that the anthropology programme gives me is a better and integrated sense in understanding ourselves and others. It is valuable as it offers not just a single disciplinary perspective but rather a cross-disciplinary one.

My research project is an interview-based study on people who has abandoned their Christian faith – namely ex-Christians. I aim to figure out what replaces their faith, and how they function in and make sense of their post-faith lives. Contemporary lives are filled with choices; I wish to understand how one society or culture shape people’s sense of life in a “cultural supermarket” with pluralistic choices. I also look forward to see my readers’ reflections, for this project is going to offer a good chance to listen to others and rethink about our existence.

I started my project focusing on ex-Christians in Hong Kong because I am one of them, which could simply give me some advantages to do my fieldwork. Other than the academic training I got from anthropology programme, I found myself have become more modest, not just in the way of understanding others’ life experiences, but also in examining my own life.

Through three years of study in this discipline, I find that doing anthropology is a journey from exploration to self-exploration. The positive influence it has on me does not just come from its special way of thinking, but also from the alternatives it provides, the interdisciplinary methodology and the modest attitude it bears to understand our world in a more comprehensive way, which I believe could not easily be achieved through studying in many “popular” disciplines.

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