Students and Alumni

MPhil Student

Educational qualification B.A in Anthropology, University of Colorado Denver, 2020
Home town Denver, Colorado, USA
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When I chose anthropology as my major, I did so without quite knowing what it was and out of dedication to stick to a chosen path. But as I made my way through my undergraduate career, my love and fascination for anthropology grew deeper, and the ways that I understood and thought about the world transformed in ways that I didn’t expect.

My love for anthropology comes from its foundation of inter-disciplinary and holistic thinking that brings light to the fact that all of our experiences exist within an interconnected web and structure of life that connects the personal to the social to the cultural to the political, across time and space, and so on. It contextualizes people’s experiences and brings awareness to the existence of stories and narratives that are different from one’s own. Anthropology simultaneously tells a story of “others” and of “us” – of humanity. Because of this, I believe it has great power for revealing subjectivities, challenging discrimination and hostility, and nurturing understanding, respect, and compassion amongst humankind and beyond.

My research interests are varied but revolve around modernity; specifically, “social illnesses” of modernity. I am interested in how “the age of reason and rationality”, science, biomedicine, globalization, mass-consumerism, urbanization and the spread of capitalistic and neoliberal ideals have impacted how people conceptualize life and connect to the world around them in all of its aspects.

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