Part-time Lecturer

LEE Chi Kwong

B.A., M.Phil, Ph.D (CUHK)

Dr. LEE Chi Kwong was graduated from the Fine Arts Department of CUHK. He worked in the Art Museum of CUHK (1989-2014) and received his doctoral degree in 2004 under the supervision of Prof. Jao Tsung-i. He is specializing in the research of Chinese painting and calligraphy. Recent publications include Su Renshan (Guangzhou, 2011), etc.


Degree Dissertation:

1. “程邃(1607–1692)繪畫研究,” M Phil dissertation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995.
2. “蔣寶齡 與《墨林今話》──關於嘉道時期江南畫壇商業化的考察,” PhD dissertation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.


1. “Qingming Shanghe Tu by Qiu Ying.” In Ronald Hui ed., Qingming shanghe tu: A Fine Copy by Qiu Ying. Hong Kong: Han Mo Xuan, 2007, pp. E1–E2.
2. “黃公望的富春山水傳奇 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains: Legend of a Painting.” In Hui Lai-ping ed., 黃公望富春山居圖, Hong Kong: Han Mo Xuan, 2011, pp 148–155, E1–E4.
3. 蘇仁山 (217 p). 嶺南畫庫叢書. Guangzhou: Lingnan Art Press, 2011.

Academic Paper:

1. “從董其昌《瀟湘白雲圖》到「南北宗」論.” In 中國古代書畫藝術國際學術研討會論文匯編, Shenyang: Liaoning Provincial Museum, 2004, pp 371–377.
2. “學海遺珠──李克曼《叛徒、畫家、瘋子:蘇仁山的生平與作品》評介.” In 林亞傑, 朱萬章 ed., 廣東繪畫研究文集, Guangzhou: Lingnan Art Press, 2010, pp 164–173.
3. “臨摹與創造──蘇仁山對木刻版畫的利用.” In 中国近代絵画研究者国際交流会論文集, Kyoto: Kyoto National Museum, 2009, pp 87–101.
4. “羅聘《冬心先生像》與金農的佛畫因緣.” In 像應神傳──明清人物肖像畫學術研討會論文集, Macao: Macao Museum of Art, 2011, pp 268–275.
5. “從文物館藏品管窺近代香港書畫收藏的淵源──以簡氏斑園與利氏北山堂為例.” In 関西中国書画コレクションの過去と未来.国際シンポジウム論文集, Nishimiya: Kansai Research Society of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collection, 2012, pp 109–120.
6. “文心獨步──漸江《為中翁作山水冊》析微.” In 雲林宗脈──新安畫派學術研討會論文集, Macao: Macao Museum of Art, 2015, pp 16–23.