
Sep 7 Louise Allison CORT, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, “Making Pots in Mainland Southeast Asia.” (details)
Sep 14 Christian GREIFFENHAGEN, Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Noticing and Raising Troubles in a Performative Control Room.” (details)
Sep 28 David WILMSHURST, Oxford Academic Services Ltd, “Writing Winning Grant Applications.” (details)
Oct 5 Kath WESTON, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia, “Ecological Legacies: Generational Conflict and Environmental Dispossession.” (details)
Oct 12 Soo Ryon YOON, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, “Artists or Slave Laborers? Performing Uncapturability in Burkinabé Performers’ Labor Rights Struggle in South Korea.” (details)
Oct 19 SUN Hua, School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University, “New Understanding of the Sanxingdui Site in Sichuan: The Ancient Walled Town and Sacrificial Pits at Sanxingdui (四川三星堆遺址的新認識三星堆古城與器物坑).” (in Putonghua 普通話主講) (details)
Time: 4:00 to 6:00 pm
Venue: C1 T.C. Cheng Building, United College
Oct 26 Lynne NAKANO, Department of Japanese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Beyond Shengnü and Loser Dogs: Comparing Singlehood for Women in Three Great East Asian Cities.” (details)
Nov 2 Petr SKALNIK, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Wroclaw, “We Expected Fair Play: Instead We Got Cheated Again! (The Political Anthropology of Post-Communist Neo-Nationalism).” (details)
Nov 9 Amir HAMPEL, Southern University of Science and Technology, “Therapeutic Reflections: Individuality as Capacity in Chinese Self-Help Psychology.” (details)
Nov 16 Bill JEFFERY, University of Guam, “Treasures of the Deep: Maritime Archaeology in Hong Kong, China and Asia-Pacific.” (details)
Time: 4:00 to 6:00 pm
Venue: LT4 Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College
Nov 23 Tom CLIFF, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University, “One Township, Two Moral Economies: How Industrial Structure Shapes Local Non-State Welfare in China.”(details)
Nov 30 Lorraine LEUNG, Department of Archaeology, The University of Sydney, “Detecting Archaeological Residues: A Multi-Analytical Study of Chinese Tradeware Ceramics.” (details)
Seminars take place at 1:00-2:30 p.m.
in Room 12 Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK except Oct 19 and Nov 16.
A light lunch will be served at 12:30 pm. First come first served.

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