
Jan 14
Carole S. VANCE, Professor, Columbia University, “Consent in the Dark: Good Sex, Universities, and the State.” (details)
Time: 4:30 pm
Venue: LT4, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK
Feb 19 Martin BOEWE, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Utopian Communities: Making Better Worlds.” (details)
Feb 26 XIANG Biao, Visiting Professor, HKIHSS, The University of Hong Kong; Professor of Social Anthropology, Institute of Social & Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, “Agents of Allah: Chinese Muslim Interpreters in Global Trade.” (details)
Venue: LT2, Mong Man Wai Building, CUHK
Mar 4 Rutvica ANDRIJASEVIC, Associate Professor of Management, University of Bristol, UK, “‘Disappearing Workers’: Foxconn in Europe and the Changing Role of Temporary Work Agencies.” (details)
Venue: LT2, Mong Man Wai Building, CUHK
Mar 11 Edwin SCHMITT, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Airborne Schizophrenia: On the Dual Identity of Air Pollution in China.” (details)
Mar 18 袁長庚, 香港中文大學, 人類學系, 博士候選人, 維生素C, 《黃帝內經》與笛卡爾的幽靈 : 當代中國的一種身體觀及其文化解釋.” (普通話主講) (details)
Venue: NAH 115
Apr 1 Dan LIN, Linessa, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Heigui: Prejudice Towards Africans and Its Implication for a Changing China.” (details)
Apr 8 余昕, 香港中文大學, 人類學系, 博士候選人, 燕窩之‘ – 燕窩的社會生命與效力.” (普通話主講) (details)
Apr 15 Sylvia J. MARTIN, Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, The University of Hong Kong, “Global Risks and Local Spectacle: Ethnography of Film and TV Production.” (details)
Time: 12:30-2:00pm
Apr 22 HO Cheuk Yuet, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Propertied Migrants and ‘Citizens of Becoming’ in Urban China.”(details)
NEW TIME Seminars take place at 1:00-2:30 p.m.
in Room 401 Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK, except Jan 26, Apr 26 and May 10.
A light lunch will be served at 12:50 pm. First come first served.

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