Students and Alumni
RUAN Chiyin

B.A. in English, Sun Yat-sen University (upgrade program from junior college to university)
M.Phil. in Ethno-ecology, Yunnan University
Home town: Guangdong, China
Email: chiyin’at’cuhk.edu.hk

My research interests are food studies, agrarian studies, environmental anthropology. 

My project examines the bitter-buckwheat industry in southwest China. Based on a fieldwork in Liangshan, Sichuan and Xiao Liangshan, Yunnan, issues such as social stratification in the rural area, the unfair distribution of income between Nuosu peasants and the entrepreneurs, the interaction between traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and scientific knowledge, the impact of changing agricultural system on the environment, the rising of green consumption in the context of food safety, and the food sovereignty of producer and consumer will be discussed.

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