A variety of grants are available to support excellent research and catalyse new areas of study and creative work. They support individual and collaborative research to help build upon and advance current knowledge.
General Research Fund (GRF)
The General Research Fund (GRF) aims to supplement universities’ own research support to researchers who have achieved or have the potential to achieve excellence.
- Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- To supplement universities’ own research support to researchers who have achieved or have the potential to achieve excellence
- The GRF covers two areas of research focused on broad knowledge enhancement and specific purposes
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Early Career Scheme
The Early Career Scheme (ECS), administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC), is intended to nurture junior academics and to prepare them for a career in education and research.
The PI of an ECS project grant must meet the the following requirements:
- within three years of his/her full time academic job as an Assistant Professor or career equivalent involving teaching and research duties and in substantiation track/tenure track position in any university (local or overseas) at the time of the submission deadline of this funding exercise;
- being primarily engaged in and spending at least 80% of time in degree or higher degree work at the university proper; and
- salary being wholly funded by the university proper.
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Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS)
The Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) aims at granting extended time-off and supporting funds to the outstanding investigators under the disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel to enable them to focus on research work and writing.
Under HSSPFS, the maximum amount per award is $1 million. Each awardee will receive support for a period of up to 12 months in the manner of relief from teaching and administrative duties, and research funding support covering salary costs for relief teachers and support for research project including staff, equipment, travel, subsistence and dissemination costs.
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RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) and Senior Research Fellow Scheme
The RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) (or RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS)) aims to provide sustained support and relief from teaching and administrative duties to exceptionally outstanding researchers at Associate Professor rank (or full Professor rank) at UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong, with a view to facilitating their full dedication to research and development and helping universities attract and retain research talent.
Each awardee will receive support for a period of 60 months in the manner of relief from teaching and administrative duties, and research funding support covering salary costs for relief teachers and support for research project including staff, equipment, travel, subsistence and dissemination costs.
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National Humanities Center (NHC) Residential Fellowship Programme
The National Humanities Center (NHC) Residential Fellowships provide opportunities for scholars to engage in advanced humanities.
- Administered by the Office of Academic Links (OAL), CUHK
- For scholars to engage in advanced humanities research by undertaking programme in North Carolina for either one term or one year
- The University shall be responsible for the awarded fellow’s salary and international travel expenses to/from the National Humanities Center (NHC); while NHC will provide the awarded fellow with financial support for housing, local transportation, health insurance, and the visa application fee
- The call for application is normally announced in July. Please refer to the call email for details.
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Direct Grant for Research
Direct Grant for Research is administered by the Research Committee (RC), CUHK and the Faculty of Arts.
- Direct allocation from RC to support research projects
- Maximum project amount for applications to be considered by RC is HK$100,000 for projects in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Studies
- Two rounds of application normally open in December and March. Please refer to the call email for details.
Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme
Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC), the Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme aims to provide support to the UGC-funded universities to build upon their existing strengths and develop them into areas of excellence.
The maximum duration of an AoE project is eight years. The ceiling of direct project cost to be awarded by the RGC is $60 million. Those who are eligible for the RGC General Research Fund may submit application under the AoE Scheme.
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Collaborative Research Fund (CRF)
The Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) supports multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary projects in order to encourage more research groups to engage in creative and high quality cross-disciplinary projects.
- Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- There are three types of grants under the CRF: (1) Collaborative Research Project Grant; (2) Collaborative Research Equipment Grant and (3) Young Collaborative Research Grant.
- Collaborative Research Project Grant (CRPG)
The main objective of CRPG is to encourage research groups in UGC-funded universities to engage in collaborative research across disciplines and across universities with a view to enhancing the research output of universities in terms of the level of attainment, quantity, dimensions and/or impact.
- Collaborative Research Equipment Grant (CREG)
The main objectives of CREG are to:- enable the acquisition of major research facilities or equipment, including major library acquisitions for research, which cannot otherwise be afforded by one university and which can be used for collaborative research; and
- assist universities in "leveraging" support from equipment suppliers with a view to stretching the value of RGC’s funds further than could normally be possible by making small allocations in connection with individual projects; and
- provide funding for group user fee (for users from RGC funded collaborative research projects) to access major user facilities (e.g. to pay for the access/use of some existing core facilities/equipment instead of procuring new ones)
- Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG)
The main objective of YCRG is to support early-stage researchers in gaining first-hand experience in leading and managing collaborative research, so that they will be better prepared in competing for larger collaborative research funding in the next stage of their career.
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Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS)
Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) aims to focus academic research efforts of UGC-funded universities on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong.
- Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- 4 designated research themes: (1) Promoting Good Health; (2) Developing a Sustainable Environment; (3) Enhancing Hong Kong's Strategic Position as a Regional and International Business Centre; (4) Advancing Emerging Research and Innovations Important to Hong Kong
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Research Impact Fund (RIF)
The Research Impact Fund is administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC).
- To encourage local academics to consider and articulate the potential of research to deliver benefits to the wider community; and to encourage more impactful and translational research projects
- To encourage a greater volume of collaborative research beyond academia (e.g. with government departments, the business sector, the industry and research institutes)
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The French National Research Agency (Agency Nationale de la Recherche)/RGC Joint Research Scheme
The Scheme aims to strengthen collaboration between French and Hong Kong research communities.
- Jointly administered by the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR) and the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- To strengthen collaboration between French and Hong Kong research communities
- To support research projects with duration of 36 or 48 months
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Strategic Seed Funding for Collaborative Research Scheme (SSFCRS)
Strategic Seed Funding for Collaborative Research Scheme (SSFCRS) is administered by the Research Committee (RC), CUHK.
- To provide strategic seed funding to support incubation of preliminary proposals or elevation of research work that can result in competitive and high quality CUHK-led collaborative research proposals for securing external grants.
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Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF)
KPF is a CUHK funding scheme initiated with the UGC Recurrent Funding for Knowledge Transfer, co-supported by the SIE Fund starting from 2017.
- Administered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), CUHK
- To initiate social innovation projects exemplifying the translation of academic knowledge into social impact
- To emphasise partnership with external organisations and direct engagement with local communities, instead of one-way dissemination of knowledge
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Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (S-KPF)
S-KPF is a structured programme with seed funding and incubation services for CUHK academics to transform social innovation ideas into social enterprises, which are eventually supported by self-generated income, external investors and other funding sources.
- Administered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), CUHK
- Funding Amount: Up to HK$600,000 for 2 years
- To support: (1) Business development consultancy; (2) Publicity and media engagement support; (3) Partnership liaison
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Professional Enhancement Fund (PEF)
Established in April 2012, the Professional Enhancement Fund (PEF) aims to encourage academic and research staffs to participate in professional development related to knowledge transfer (KT), so as to foster an innovative culture within CUHK.
- Administered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), CUHK
- PEF provides financial support to staff members to learn about the best practices of KT through different activities
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Research Fellowship Scheme
Research Fellowship Scheme is administered by the Research Committee (RC), CUHK and the Faculty of Arts.
- To provide matching funding, equivalent to one-half of the actual cost of appointment, to support employment of full-time research personnel including Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, Research Associates and Research Assistants.
- The call for application is normally announced in December. Please refer to the call email for details.
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Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme
Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme is administered by the Research Committee (RC), CUHK and the Faculty of Arts.
- To provide matching funding equivalent to one-half of the actual cost of appointment for posts at postdoctoral fellow (PDF) level, capped at $250,000 per year, for a period of 3 years maximum.
- The call for application is normally announced in November. Please refer to the call email for details.
Research Assistant Professorship Scheme
The Research Assistant Professorship (RAP) Scheme aims to enhance the University’s research capacity through building stronger teams at professorial researcher level to support large-scale interdisciplinary projects.
Administered by the Research Committee (RC), a number of RAP posts will be made available for bidding each year, providing matching funding equivalent to 75% of the actual cost of appointment for 3 years.
The call for application is normally announced in March. Please refer to the call email for details.
RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS)
The RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS) aims to encourage doctoral graduates in pursuing career in research and provide promising researchers with support at a pivotal time in their very early career.
- Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- Awardees supported for a period of 36 months in terms of a full-time appointment as a postdoctoral fellow (PdF).
- For each awardee, the supporting university will receive an annual stipend of HK$406,550 per year for the awardee’s basic salary as well as a conference and research-related travel allowance (of HK$12,920 per year inclusively).
- The call for application is normally announced in August.
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General Research Fund (GRF)
The General Research Fund (GRF) aims to supplement universities’ own research support to researchers who have achieved or have the potential to achieve excellence.
- Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- To supplement universities’ own research support to researchers who have achieved or have the potential to achieve excellence
- The GRF covers two areas of research focused on broad knowledge enhancement and specific purposes
Early Career Scheme
The Early Career Scheme (ECS), administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC), is intended to nurture junior academics and to prepare them for a career in education and research.
The PI of an ECS project grant must meet the the following requirements:
- within three years of his/her full time academic job as an Assistant Professor or career equivalent involving teaching and research duties and in substantiation track/tenure track position in any university (local or overseas) at the time of the submission deadline of this funding exercise;
- being primarily engaged in and spending at least 80% of time in degree or higher degree work at the university proper; and
- salary being wholly funded by the university proper.
Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS)
The Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) aims at granting extended time-off and supporting funds to the outstanding investigators under the disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel to enable them to focus on research work and writing.
Under HSSPFS, the maximum amount per award is $1 million. Each awardee will receive support for a period of up to 12 months in the manner of relief from teaching and administrative duties, and research funding support covering salary costs for relief teachers and support for research project including staff, equipment, travel, subsistence and dissemination costs.
RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) and Senior Research Fellow Scheme
The RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) (or RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS)) aims to provide sustained support and relief from teaching and administrative duties to exceptionally outstanding researchers at Associate Professor rank (or full Professor rank) at UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong, with a view to facilitating their full dedication to research and development and helping universities attract and retain research talent.
Each awardee will receive support for a period of 60 months in the manner of relief from teaching and administrative duties, and research funding support covering salary costs for relief teachers and support for research project including staff, equipment, travel, subsistence and dissemination costs.
National Humanities Center (NHC) Residential Fellowship Programme
The National Humanities Center (NHC) Residential Fellowships provide opportunities for scholars to engage in advanced humanities.
- Administered by the Office of Academic Links (OAL), CUHK
- For scholars to engage in advanced humanities research by undertaking programme in North Carolina for either one term or one year
- The University shall be responsible for the awarded fellow’s salary and international travel expenses to/from the National Humanities Center (NHC); while NHC will provide the awarded fellow with financial support for housing, local transportation, health insurance, and the visa application fee
- The call for application is normally announced in July. Please refer to the call email for details.
Direct Grant for Research
Direct Grant for Research is administered by the Research Committee (RC), CUHK and the Faculty of Arts.
- Direct allocation from RC to support research projects
- Maximum project amount for applications to be considered by RC is HK$100,000 for projects in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Studies
- Two rounds of application normally open in December and March. Please refer to the call email for details.
Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme
Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC), the Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme aims to provide support to the UGC-funded universities to build upon their existing strengths and develop them into areas of excellence.
The maximum duration of an AoE project is eight years. The ceiling of direct project cost to be awarded by the RGC is $60 million. Those who are eligible for the RGC General Research Fund may submit application under the AoE Scheme.
Collaborative Research Fund (CRF)
The Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) supports multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary projects in order to encourage more research groups to engage in creative and high quality cross-disciplinary projects.
- Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- There are three types of grants under the CRF: (1) Collaborative Research Project Grant; (2) Collaborative Research Equipment Grant and (3) Young Collaborative Research Grant.
- Collaborative Research Project Grant (CRPG)
The main objective of CRPG is to encourage research groups in UGC-funded universities to engage in collaborative research across disciplines and across universities with a view to enhancing the research output of universities in terms of the level of attainment, quantity, dimensions and/or impact.
- Collaborative Research Equipment Grant (CREG)
The main objectives of CREG are to:- enable the acquisition of major research facilities or equipment, including major library acquisitions for research, which cannot otherwise be afforded by one university and which can be used for collaborative research; and
- assist universities in "leveraging" support from equipment suppliers with a view to stretching the value of RGC’s funds further than could normally be possible by making small allocations in connection with individual projects; and
- provide funding for group user fee (for users from RGC funded collaborative research projects) to access major user facilities (e.g. to pay for the access/use of some existing core facilities/equipment instead of procuring new ones)
- Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG)
The main objective of YCRG is to support early-stage researchers in gaining first-hand experience in leading and managing collaborative research, so that they will be better prepared in competing for larger collaborative research funding in the next stage of their career.
Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS)
Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) aims to focus academic research efforts of UGC-funded universities on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong.
- Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- 4 designated research themes: (1) Promoting Good Health; (2) Developing a Sustainable Environment; (3) Enhancing Hong Kong's Strategic Position as a Regional and International Business Centre; (4) Advancing Emerging Research and Innovations Important to Hong Kong
Research Impact Fund (RIF)
The Research Impact Fund is administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC).
- To encourage local academics to consider and articulate the potential of research to deliver benefits to the wider community; and to encourage more impactful and translational research projects
- To encourage a greater volume of collaborative research beyond academia (e.g. with government departments, the business sector, the industry and research institutes)
The French National Research Agency (Agency Nationale de la Recherche)/RGC Joint Research Scheme
The Scheme aims to strengthen collaboration between French and Hong Kong research communities.
- Jointly administered by the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR) and the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- To strengthen collaboration between French and Hong Kong research communities
- To support research projects with duration of 36 or 48 months
Strategic Seed Funding for Collaborative Research Scheme (SSFCRS)
Strategic Seed Funding for Collaborative Research Scheme (SSFCRS) is administered by the Research Committee (RC), CUHK.
- To provide strategic seed funding to support incubation of preliminary proposals or elevation of research work that can result in competitive and high quality CUHK-led collaborative research proposals for securing external grants.
Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF)
KPF is a CUHK funding scheme initiated with the UGC Recurrent Funding for Knowledge Transfer, co-supported by the SIE Fund starting from 2017.
- Administered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), CUHK
- To initiate social innovation projects exemplifying the translation of academic knowledge into social impact
- To emphasise partnership with external organisations and direct engagement with local communities, instead of one-way dissemination of knowledge
Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (S-KPF)
S-KPF is a structured programme with seed funding and incubation services for CUHK academics to transform social innovation ideas into social enterprises, which are eventually supported by self-generated income, external investors and other funding sources.
- Administered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), CUHK
- Funding Amount: Up to HK$600,000 for 2 years
- To support: (1) Business development consultancy; (2) Publicity and media engagement support; (3) Partnership liaison
Professional Enhancement Fund (PEF)
Established in April 2012, the Professional Enhancement Fund (PEF) aims to encourage academic and research staffs to participate in professional development related to knowledge transfer (KT), so as to foster an innovative culture within CUHK.
- Administered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), CUHK
- PEF provides financial support to staff members to learn about the best practices of KT through different activities
Research Fellowship Scheme
Research Fellowship Scheme is administered by the Research Committee (RC), CUHK and the Faculty of Arts.
- To provide matching funding, equivalent to one-half of the actual cost of appointment, to support employment of full-time research personnel including Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, Research Associates and Research Assistants.
- The call for application is normally announced in December. Please refer to the call email for details.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme
Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme is administered by the Research Committee (RC), CUHK and the Faculty of Arts.
- To provide matching funding equivalent to one-half of the actual cost of appointment for posts at postdoctoral fellow (PDF) level, capped at $250,000 per year, for a period of 3 years maximum.
- The call for application is normally announced in November. Please refer to the call email for details.
Research Assistant Professorship Scheme
The Research Assistant Professorship (RAP) Scheme aims to enhance the University’s research capacity through building stronger teams at professorial researcher level to support large-scale interdisciplinary projects.
Administered by the Research Committee (RC), a number of RAP posts will be made available for bidding each year, providing matching funding equivalent to 75% of the actual cost of appointment for 3 years.
The call for application is normally announced in March. Please refer to the call email for details.
RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS)
The RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS) aims to encourage doctoral graduates in pursuing career in research and provide promising researchers with support at a pivotal time in their very early career.
- Administered by the Research Grants Council (RGC)
- Awardees supported for a period of 36 months in terms of a full-time appointment as a postdoctoral fellow (PdF).
- For each awardee, the supporting university will receive an annual stipend of HK$406,550 per year for the awardee’s basic salary as well as a conference and research-related travel allowance (of HK$12,920 per year inclusively).
- The call for application is normally announced in August.
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