
Mentoring Students for Talent Development: Its Role in Lifelong Learning

1999.第14卷第1期(Vol. 14 No. 1).pp. 1–12

Mentoring Students for Talent Development: Its Role in Lifelong Learning

David W. CHAN(陳維鄂)


In the recurrent discussion on the review of the overall education system in Hong Kong, issues related to the centrality of the learner, equity, excellence, information technology, and community-wide collaboration have emerged. In view of the emphasis on lifelong learning, it is suggested that mentoring should be considered an educational option not only for the nurturing of gifts and talents in students but also for the promotion of lifelong learning. The viability of this option is supported by the description of the development of mentorship programs with three levels of mentoring: Telementoring, double mentoring, and one-to-one mentoring. The implications of the use of telementoring via telecommunications and double mentoring via expert-mentor and teacher/peer-mentors for greater dissemination and promotion of talent development and lifelong learning in Hong Kong schools are discussed.

Keywords: mentoring; mentorship; talent development; lifelong learning

