Education Journal


2003.第31卷第1期(Vol. 31 No. 1).pp. 39–58



Contributing Factors to the Development of Reading Habit

何萬貫(Man-Koon HO)


本研究課題旨在探討以下問題:(1)學生能否通過進行網上課外閱讀來養成閱讀習慣?(2)通過進行網上課外閱讀,哪些學生較易養成閱讀習慣?(3)哪些因素與學生能否養成閱讀習慣有密切的關係?列聯表(cross-tabulation)分析的結果顯示:進行長約一年時間的網上課外閱讀後,研究對象已初步養成了閱讀習慣;那些在參與網上課外閱讀計劃活動前,「只在交讀書報告日期前幾天才閱讀課外讀物」及「甚少閱讀課外讀物」這樣的兩類學生,通過進行網上課外閱讀,較易養成閱讀習慣。以皮爾遜相關係數(Pearson correlation)去分析「上網閱讀」、「電腦操作」、「文章深淺程度」、「閱讀測驗」、「龍虎榜(即閱讀成績排名榜)」、「閱讀地點及模式」、「老師及父母的支持」和「對閱讀的態度」八個因子跟「養成閱讀習慣」之間的關係時,所得結果顯示:八個因子均與「養成閱讀習慣」有密切的關係。


This study aims to address three questions: (1) Can students be facilitated to develop a regular reading habit through an online reading program? (2) Which types of students are more ready to be facilitated? (3) What are the factors most relevant to the facilitation of developing a reading habit? The results of a cross-tabulation show that, through taking part in the extracurricular online reading program, students have started to build up a reading habit. Two types of students are more ready to build up a reading habit — those who used to “read extracurricular materials only shortly before book reports are due” and those who “rarely read extracurricular materials” before taking part in the program. The Pearson correlation is applied to study the correlations between the development of reading habit and each of these eight possible factors: “online reading mode,” “computer operation,” “comprehensibility level of reading materials,” “reading tests,” “score chart,” “setting and context,” “support from teachers and parents,” and “attitude toward reading.” The result shows that all of these eight factors are significantly relevant.