Education Journal

Writing Response Journals: What Do Pre-service Teachers Think?

2006.第34卷第1期(Vol. 34 No. 1).pp. 31–45


Writing Response Journals: What Do Pre-service Teachers Think?


Icy LEE(李潔冰)


In this study, 13 pre-service teachers who were enrolled on a teacher education program wrote weekly journals in response to issues discussed in class over two semesters that lasted 20 weeks. They submitted the response journals three times in the first semester and two times in the second semester, and the instructor read and provided feedback on the journal entries each time they were collected. At the end of the academic year, the pre-service teachers completed a questionnaire and were interviewed individually to seek their views of journal writing. They were also asked to reflect on the journal writing experience in the last journal entry. The three sources of data together show that journal writing was seen as a beneficial experience, fostering reflective thinking and helping the pre-service teachers develop better understanding of teaching and learning issues discussed on the teacher education program.

