1999.第14卷第2期(Vol. 14 No. 2).pp. 279299
Career Education in the Netherlands: Learning by Experience and Values Stimulation
Career education can be more than counseling; it can be an educational activity that is part of the curriculum. An example of such a curriculum in the Netherlands is called "orientation on study and profession". In this curriculum students are given the opportunities to collect information about different professions and different subject-discipline studies. We were involved in developing these programs together with teachers and conducted evaluation research on the innovation and implementation of these programs. These programs aim to widen students' knowledge of labor and higher education and develop their personal and social skills. The development of values that enable students to perform in the labor system is highlighted in the second part of the article. In the last part, we discuss teacher's role in developing students' labor values and labor identity.
Keywords: career education; moral education; identity development