2005.第14卷第1期(Vol. 14 No. 1).pp. 2348
Modeling of Parenting Style A Cross-cultural Study of Hong Kong Chinese and Anglo-Australian
Chi-Hung LEUNG(梁智熊)
Chao and Sue (1996) argued that the current conceptualization of parental authoritarianism ignored the purpose of parental control and so fails to adequately reflect the meaning of the authoritarian behaviors of Asian parents. The Baurmind's parenting model also does not capture core meanings in Chinese parenting. In this research, three groups of students consist of Anglo-Australian, Australian Hong Kong Chinese, and Hong Kong Chinese completed self-report measures of the above variables. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to test how well the Western fitted in the model. A new concept of parenting and the variables for Hong Kong Chinese were also defined. The findings highlighted the cultural differences in child and educational development between Western and Chinese parenting styles.
Chao & Sue(1996)認為現今西方有關父母權威的管教概念,既忽略了管制的目的,又未能有效反映亞裔父母權威式管教的實質意義。至於Baurmind 的父母管教模型,也有同樣問題。本論文以三組學生為研究對象,包括香港人、英籍澳洲人和澳籍香港人,根據他們對以上變項所完成的自陳式量度,運用結構方程模型,檢視本文建議的模型是否適用於西方研究。本文重新定義香港父母管教概念的模型和變項,並從數據中突顯在中西方父母管教模式下兒童及教育發展的文化差異。