Educational Research Journal

A Three-Factor Model on Teacher Professionalism

2004.第19卷第2期(Vol. 19 No. 2).pp. 223–249

A Three-Factor Model on Teacher Professionalism

Chung-Lim HO, Wing-Tung AU, & Jin-Pang LEUNG


The present study was designed to investigate the correlates and variables of teacher professionalism. Review of past literatures identified a list of contributing factors that we conceptually grouped into three latent factor constructs (intrinsic, extrinsic and core self-evaluations) to examine their inter-relations with teacher professionalism by a structural equation model. Success and recognition, and perception of work characteristics constitute the intrinsic latent factor construct. Extrinsic latent factor construct consists of principal's support, colleagues’ support and role clarity whereas core self-evaluations latent factor construct is composed of self-esteem and generalized self-efficacy. Self-report questionnaires were gathered from 397 secondary schoolteachers distributed in 17 secondary schools. Our revised model suggested that not only did intrinsic and core self-evaluations latent factor constructs exert direct effects on teacher professionalism, the intrinsic factor construct also mediated the effect of core self-evaluations factor and extrinsic factor constructs on teacher professionalism. Moreover, the intrinsic factor construct constituted the largest influence on teacher professionalism. We further tested the robustness of the model with intention to leave as a criterion variable. Results found that teacher professionalism and intrinsic factor construct are useful predictors of intention to leave. All indirect effects of three latent factor constructs on intention to leave mediated through both the intrinsic factor construct and teacher professionalism. Implications for practice and recommendations for future research were presented.

Keywords: three-factor model; teacher professionalism; intention to leave

