
A New Emphasis for a New Millennium: Affective and Career Education in Singapore

1998/1999.第26卷第2期及第27卷第1期(Vol. 26 No. 2 & Vol. 27 No. 1).pp. 1–12


A New Emphasis for a New Millennium: Affective and Career Education in Singapore


Vilma D’ROZARIO, Len JENNINGS, & Angeline KHOO


The 21st century will require individuals to cope with rapid change in many arenas of life. Along with the teaching of the traditional knowledge base, Asian educators need to help students learn how to manage change and the stress it can bring. The development of pupils' "emotional intelligence" in addition to traditional cognitive skills will be an important factor in producing adaptable, successful, and productive citizens. In Singapore, a programme aimed at developing pupils' personal and social skills was established in the late 1980's and has recently evolved into "Affective and Career Education" with an emphasis on the teaching of life skills. This paper will briefly trace the history of Singapore's personal and social education programme (called Pastoral Care and Career Guidance) and detail the components and rationale for the new initiative called "Affective and Career Education".

