1997.第25卷第2期(Vol. 25 No. 2).pp. 116
Correcting Chinese Composition with the Use of Cassette Tapes
何萬貫(Man-Koon HO)
在傳統的精批細改中,教師用力多,但收效並不理想。一般來說,批改一篇作文約需10至15分鐘,教師的批語長約20至60字。另一方面,人們說話 的速度每分鐘約200字。如果把用書面批改作文的時間用來進行「錄音批改作文」 ,則每10分鐘可說2,000字。教師將可有效地利用這 「兩千個」 字 指導學生改進寫作水平。教師可透過錄音帶詳細指出學生在作文中的優點及缺點,並可提出具體的改善方法。教師亦可透過錄音帶與學生溝通,藉 以達到「個別化」 寫作指導的教學目的 ; 更可透過錄音帶與學生溝通,增 加親切感,藉以鼓勵學生寫作。本研究以中三學生為研究對象,利用 One-way ANCOVA統計分析。實驗証明,利用錄音帶批改作文,不但可增 加學生佈局謀篇的能力,更可提高學生整體的寫作水平。
Traditional intensive correcting is not effective even though teachers spend much time on it. As correction is an important part in learning writing, it should be done by students themselves. Human beings speak about 200 words per minute, that means 1,000 words can be completed in five minutes. If teachers spend the same amount of time in traditional correction with correcting composition through cassette tape, they can make use of thousands of words to guide and improve students' writing techniques effectively. The research is carried out in the third form of a secondary school with average academic result. Correcting composition through cassette tapes is adopted. Analysis by one-way ANCOVA is chosen to sum up the data. The result shows that the experimental group of students perform better in constructing their writing and attain higher total marks. Correcting composition by cassette tape is proved to be an effective method in teaching writing.