2020.第48卷第2期(Vol. 48 No. 2).pp. 21–46
Integrating Social Networks and Cluster Analysis to Discuss the Relationship Between College Students’ Learning Cliques and Course Selection Decision-making
Keng-Yu LIN, Long-Hui CHEN, Ching-Wen CHEN, & Kuei-Hu CHANG(林耕宇、陳隆輝、陳慶文、張桂琥)
Course selection behavior is a decision-making process. In the past, it was pointed out that many factors affect students’ selection of course, but their relationship with course selection decision-making has not been explored from the perspective of learning cliques. In a class, there are often several small groups of students with good learning relationships who form learning cliques. Therefore, whether the members of each learning clique will form similar behavior groups, whether the course selection process will produce a conformity effect, and whether they will choose the same courses as like-minded members are topics worth exploring. This article thus integrated the methods of social network analysis (SNA) and cluster analysis to explore the correlation between learning cliques and course selection decisions, and further developed prediction models through decision trees to speculate whether members of clique will form a similar behavior group of course selection decision-making in the learning network. This research used the methods of questionnaire survey and secondary data analysis; the research participants were 23 students in a class of the military academy in Taiwan. The research found that: (a) in the overall learning network, there were several large and small cliques in the class, and some members were not affiliated with any clique; (b) compared with the members who were not affiliated with any clique, the behavior of course selection decision-making of members in the learning clique were more consistent.
Keywords: social networks; cluster analysis; learning cliques; course selection decision-making; decision trees