1997.第25卷第1期(Vol. 25 No. 1).pp. 123
The Conception and Management of School Crisis: Multiple Perspectives
鄭燕祥、伍國雄(Yin-Cheong CHENG & Kwok-Hung NG)
Responding to the emerging need for comprehensive understanding of the nature and impacts of different types of crises happening in schools, this paper aims to provide a framework of multiple perspectives to analyse and understand the characteristics of school crisis and propose different strategies and procedures to manage it. The potential causes and consequences of school crises are classified and analysed in order to provide a basic understanding of crisis issues in schools. Mainly based on the different paradigms of management, five perspectives including the structural perspective, the human relation perspective, the political perspective, the cultural perspective, and the learning perspective are proposed to be used to understand, conceptualize and practise school crisis management. The theoretical framework and strategies proposed in this paper should be helpful to school practitioners in practice and academics in research.