2000.第28卷第1期(Vol. 28 No. 1).pp. 139150
Perceptions of First-line Managers in the Manufacturing Sector on Tertiary Accounting Education: A Hong Kong Study
Andy Y. NG(吳奕敏)
The curricula in tertiary education have become more and more "market-driven" because they are strongly influenced by rigid professional accounting examination syllabuses. This paper explores how accounting education may be improved and re-oriented to effectively train quality professionals to meet the new requirements and challenges of the twenty-first century. A survey of the first line managers in the manufacturing sector was conducted to obtain their perceptions on the general deficiencies and qualifications of accounting graduates. The findings give educators a useful guide as to how future accounting curricula and teaching methods should be planned and modified in order to prepare graduates to cope successfully with a fast-changing business environment.