Educational Research Journal

Moderating Effect of Mindfulness on Daily Hassles-Stress Relationship

2014.第29卷第1及2期(Vol. 29 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 27–40

Moderating Effect of Mindfulness on Daily Hassles-Stress Relationship

Johnny LEUNG & Joseph WU(梁晉禮、胡強輝)


This study examined the association of mindfulness (as a trait subject to individual difference) to stress and its role in moderating the daily hassles-stress relationship with Chinese university students. Respondents high in trait mindfulness reported lower levels of stress. A moderating effect of trait mindfulness on the daily hassles-stress relationship was found. Specifically, the direct association between daily hassles and stress was weakened at a heightened level of trait mindfulness. It provides empirical support for advocating the use of mindfulness training in buffering and redirecting negative emotion of Chinese university students in stress management. As Chinese university students are a large population of students in the world, integrating mindfulness-based training into the campus life of this group of students could bring benefits to their mental health.

Keywords: mindfulness; stress; daily hassles; Chinese university students

