1992.第20卷第2期(Vol. 20 No. 2).pp. 149159
Independent Schools in Singapore: A Case of Organizational Decentralization of Educational Management
Jason E. T. TAN(陳英泰)
It has been argued that organizational decentralization of educational management brings the follwing benefits: greater flexibility for principals to determine their school policies in line with their schools' particular circumstances; increased accountability of school principals; and improved educational efficiency (Lauglo & McLean, 1985; Brown, 1990; Weiler, 1989). However, the delegation of decision-making authority to school principals by government educational authorities is always somewhat selective. This article examines the independent schools scheme which was introduced in Singapore in 1987, as an example of organizational decentralization of educational management. Under this scheme, independent school principals receive greater autonomy in certain areas like the fixing of school fees, staff recruitment and student admission. However, the Ministry of Education continues to exert considerable direct and indirect control over these schools. This control is exercised in various ways such as heavy financial support, teacher training provisions, and certain curricular requirements.