1998.第13卷第1期(Vol. 13 No. 1).pp. 2339
Student Prior Learning Experience — Its Significance to Course Perception, Approaches to Learning and Learning Outcome (A Case Study in Canada)
Patrick LAI(黎國楝)
Findings from traditional studies in student learning indicate that a student's perception of the learning environment, learning approach, and learning outcomes are interrelated. This case study suggests further that the prior learning experience of the student could lead to variation in the perception variable. A student with surface learning experience would only focus on the surface element of the course and adopted a surface approach to study. By using two interview tasks, this study also suggests that a student who adopts a surface approach to learning, depending on the level of the task, could also attain a deep level of understanding. In this case study, the student generated a canonical conceptualization of meiosis but failed to apply that concept to a complicated task. All these two findings have significance to educational researchers and practitioners in course design.
Keywords: prior knowledge; learning process; learning outcome