2009.第37卷第12期(Vol. 37 Nos. 12).pp. 128
The Content and Rationale of Chinese Language Curriculum Decision: Understanding Policymakers’ Perspective
霍秉坤、黃顯華(Ping-Kwan FOK & Hin-Wah WONG)
In 2002, Hong Kong started to implement the Chinese Language curriculum reform at junior secondary schools. This research inquires the curriculum decision-making of the reform at the system level, which includes the Committee on Chinese Language Education of the Curriculum Development Council and the Chinese Language Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute. Adopting a descriptive approach, it aims to analyze the decision contents and its rationales from the perspective of curriculum policymakers. It was found that these policymakers had consensus in decisions, attended to rationales behind decisions, and considered the receptivity of teachers.