1986.第1卷(Vol. 1).pp. 710
蕭炳基(Ping-Kee SIU)
Language abilities in secondary school students from Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Singapore were compared. Random samples were selected from Form three students representing the top 10% to 15% of the population. Four tests, Chinese Reasoning and Usage and English Reasoning and Usage tests, were administered to the sampled students. Results of multivariate analysis revealed that differences in patterns of language abilities were found highly significant among students from the three cities. Verbal ability in Chinese was found best in students from Guangzhou, those from Hong Kong came second, and from Singapore, the third. The order of performance was reversed in verbal ability in English. These results supported the hypothesis that the language socioeconomic status, language educational policy, and linguistic environment in the three cities affect the differential development of the language abilities.