2002.第17卷第2期(Vol. 17 No. 2).pp. 235252
Validation of the Measurement Scale and the Vocational Orientation Model Developed in Hong Kong
Chi-Sum WONG & Ping-Man WONG(黃熾森、黃炳文)
Recent research has advanced our understanding of the vocational orientation model applicable to Hong Kong. This study continues this line of research in validating a locally developed measure of vocational orientations in a university (n = 325) and an employee (n = 150) sample. The consequences of matching employees’ vocational orientations and job nature on job satisfaction and turnover intention are also examined. Results provided strong support for the reliability and validity of the locally developed measure and the applicability of the model suggested by recent research. Implications of vocational education, career guidance and future research in Hong Kong are discussed.
Keywords: vocational orientation; career interest; WCIAQ