Educational Research Journal

Does Training in Phonological Awareness Skills Improve Chinese Dyslexic Children's Reading Performance?

1999.第14卷第2期(Vol. 14 No. 2).pp. 209–228

Does Training in Phonological Awareness Skills Improve Chinese Dyslexic Children’s Reading Performance?

Connie Suk-Han HO & Chun-King CHEUNG


This study investigated the effectiveness of phonological training in improving Chinese dyslexic children's reading performance. An Experimental Group of 15 Chinese dyslexic children in Hong Kong received five sessions of training in phonological awareness skills through computers while a comparable Control Group did not. The two groups received the same assessment before and after the training period. The results showed that the Experimental Group improved significantly in the performance on the phonological awareness tasks and the Chinese word reading task after training, but the Control Group did not. The authors suggested that training Chinese dyslexic children in phonological awareness skills might facilitate the children's acquisition of the orthography-phonology correspondence rules in Chinese. Therefore, Chinese dyslexic children can benefit from training in phonological skills as can their alphabetic counterparts.

Keywords: Chinese dyslexia; phonological awareness; training programme

