1993.第8卷(Vol. 8).pp. 5567
A Study of Principals’ Instructional Leadership in Hong Kong Secondary Schools
Yau-Chi CHAN & Yin-Cheong CHENG(陳友志、鄭燕祥)
The present study aimed at understanding the relationship of principal's instructional leadership to teachers' affective and attitudinal outcomes in terms of teachers' sense of efficacy, sense of community, and professional interest. A total of 756 teachers from 60 secondary schools were involved. The findings revealed that the instructional leadership of principals in Hong Kong secondary schools is characterized mainly by providing incentives for learning, enforcing academic standard, and maintaining high visibility. Teachers' sense of efficacy, sense of community, and professional interest were found to be highly correlated with all the twelve instructional leadership functions. The profiles of effective and ineffective instructional leadership defined by teachers' affective outcomes were mapped and they were found to be significantly different from each other. The public examination achievements of schools with effective instructional leadership were found to be significantly higher than that of schools with ineffective instructional leadership. Implications of the study were discussed for further research and administration practice.