
Secondary Three Students' Knowledge of Geography of China: Facts and Implications for Junior Secondary Geography and Social Studies Curriculum

1996.第11卷第1期(Vol. 11 No. 1).pp. 7–15

Secondary Three Students’ Knowledge of Geography of China: Facts and Implications for Junior Secondary Geography and Social Studies Curriculum

Chi-Chung LAM & Wen-Ying LIN(林智中、林文鶯)


In view of the fact that the sovereignty of Hong Kong will be returned to China in 1997, the demand for increasing the weighting on China in the junior secondary geography curriculum has gained momentum. The present study aims at revealing Secondary Three students' level of understanding of the geography of China. A test instrument comprised 50 multiple-choice questions were designed and administered to 4556, 2742, 546 Secondary Three students in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Macau respectively. The results show that the performance of Hong Kong students were inferior than their counterparts in China and Macau. However, the performance of Hong Kong students was not alarming as the average score was 24.79, very close to the 50% mark. The issue of the China element in the junior secondary geography and social studies curriculum is discussed in light of the findings.


香港將於1997年回歸中國,因此,增加初中地理課程內中國地理的訴求愈來愈大。本文匯報一項香港中三學生對中國地理認識的研究。在這項研究中,研究員設計和發展了一份有50條多項選擇題的測試工具。有4556 名香港中三學生、2742名廣州中三學生及546名澳門中三學生填答這份試題。數據顯示香港學生的中國地理知識比廣州和澳門同級學生稍遜。但是香港學生的表現並非太差,平均答對率接近百分之五十。本文亦就研究的發現討論本港初中地理課程及社會科課程應如何作出修訂。