Education Journal

What Can We Say about the Quality and Equality of Educational Systems from the First Cycle of the PISA?

2003/2004.第31卷第2期及第32卷第1期(Vol. 31 No. 2 & Vol. 32 No. 1).pp. 161–175


What Can We Say about the Quality and Equality of Educational Systems from the First Cycle of the PISA?


J. Douglas WILLMS


How can we help all children learn what they need to know to prepare for the future? In every country/region that is participating in the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a study of the literacy skills of 15-year-old youth, there is a huge gap between the best and worst performing students. This shows the need for parents, educators, administrators, and policy-makers to direct their efforts toward leveling the playing field. This article examines variation among countries/regions and schools in their reading performance, with particular attention to the remarkable success of students in Hong Kong. It also suggests ways to narrow the gap and raise the learning bar for all.

