Education Journal


2005.第33卷第1–2期(Vol. 33 No. 1–2).pp. 1–23  


Globalization and the Resource of Confucian Values Education 李子建(Kwok-Keung LAU)

摘要 自從20世紀90年代末期,香港教育改革與學校改革已成為重要的教育議題之一。本文就相關文獻,以及近年部分有關學校效能及改善的計劃的成果作分析和整理,並從學校內部改善能量的提升、大學-學校夥伴協作,以及政府所提供的改革平台三方面,討論未來的發展方向。

Abstract After a brief inquiry into the meanings and definitions of the concept of globalization, this article investigates the economic, political, and social changes caused by globalization. It then looks into the educational problems and challenges that educators have to face. The article contends that the recent development of globalization is limited to the scopes of information and economic arenas. The education challenges that globalization aroused are basically the loss of value and human subjectivity, which is the extension of the problems resulting from scientific-cum-industrial-commercial culture of the past centuries. Confucian humanistic values education, with moral education as its core, is remedial for the scientific, industrial, and capitalistic culture since Confucianism emphasizes human subjectivity and directs life experiences.