Education Journal

Improving the Quality of the Teaching Profession at the Sixth Form Level in Hong Kong: The Teaching and Learning Process Perspective

1993.第21卷第1期(Vol. 21 No. 1).pp. 59–65


Improving the Quality of the Teaching Profession at the Sixth Form Level in Hong Kong: The Teaching and Learning Process Perspective


K. C. CHEUNG(張國祥)


According to the IEA Second International Science Study, Hong Kong ranks amongst the top positions in science achievement at the Sixth Form matriculation level (grade 12 and 13). However, the criteria used in determining what to teach on a day-to-day basis, teaching and assessment methods deployed by the science teachers remain rather traditional and didactic in nature. To improve the quality of the teaching profession in accordance with well-founded principles, espoused by the Education Commission, a model of teacher education and professional development which is constructivist and moralistic in nature is required. It is argued that Sixth Form science education should be one which assists our students to become human and cognisant, both for personal development and career preparation.

