1997.第25卷第2期(Vol. 25 No. 2).pp. 117136
Economic Diversification in Brunei: The Need for Closer Correspondence Between Education and the Economy
Public policy in Brunei has placed high expectations on schooling and workplace training to develop the nation's human resources. In an effort to diversify the economy and render the country less dependent on the oil and gas industry, the government plans to prepare workers for newly created jobs in the industrial and commercial private sectors. Underlying the emphasis on human resource development (HRD) is a human capital paradigm embodying two key assumptions. Thefirst is that there is a direct relationship between the formation of the type of human capital needed in the economy and the teaching that schools provide. The second assumption is that Brunei firms are capable of taking advantage of the greater productive capacity of educated workers. Notwithstanding the degree to which either assumption is valid, the paper argues that if HRD is to be successful in the way the government intends, greater correspondence between formal education and the workplace may be desirable. Within this context, a rationale for reforms in both schooling and the workplace are put forward for discussion.