Journal of Basic Education

Teacher's Use and Adaptation of TOC English Textbooks

1998.第8卷第1期(Vol. 8 No. 1).pp. 1–20

Teacher’s Use and Adaptation of TOC English Textbooks


John C. K. LEE, Paul SZE, & Cecilia K. W. CHUN(李子建、施敏文、秦家慧)


Although research around the world has shown that schoolteachers generally rely rather heavily on the textbook for classroom instruction , the TOC curriculum framework currently implemented in Hong Kong calls for a very different conception of learning materials among teachers. It would hence be worth investigating how teachers use and adapt textbook materials under TOC teaching. This paper is in two parts. The first part reports a survey of English teachers’ use and adaptation of the coursebook as they implemented the English curriculum. A total of 123 primary English teachers were asked to answer a questionnaire that probed their use and adaptation of the English coursebook, and to indicate three difficulties they had encounterd or perceived in using TOC English coursebooks. The results show that teachers are still following the coursebook very closely, but at the same time are willing to supplement the coursebook with additional materials. The results also raise doubts about the way teachers handle task materials in the coursebook. Based on the findings, the second part of the paper discusses three aspects of textbook use and adaptation: textbook production and adoption; preparing teachers for textbook use; and a whole-school approach to the use and adaptation of TOC textbooks.


各地的研究都顯示教師相當依賴教科書作為教材的來源,但是香港目前推行的目標為本課程,卻需要教師較為靈活地使用教科書作為教材。本研究旨在探究英文科教師對目標為本課程教科書的使用及調適,共有 123位小學英文科教師接受問卷調查,問卷針對他們如何使用和調適英文科教科書的情況,以及要求他們指出在使用英文科目標為本教科書時所遇到或感受到的困難。
