
2009 - 第24卷第2期(Vol. 24 No. 2)

189 From Looking Back to Looking Forward: Introducing Part Two of the Special Issue on 25 Years of Educational Research
David W. CHAN
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Hong Kong Educational Research in the Past 25 Years
195 Science Education in Hong Kong: Opportunities for Research and Development
Winnie Wing-Mui SO & May May-Hung CHENG
摘要 abstract
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231 Chinese Language Education in Hong Kong: Twenty Five Years of Educational Research in Hong Kong
Shek-Kam TSE
摘要 abstract
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257 School Civic Education Since 1980s: A Brief Review of the Literature in Hong Kong
Yan-Wing LEUNG & Timothy Wai-Wa YUEN
摘要 abstract
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Research on Special Topics
293 Moral Development and Moral Education: An Integrated Approach
Hing-Keung MA
摘要 abstract
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327 Characteristics of East Asian Learners: What We Learned From PISA
Esther Sui-Chu HO
摘要 abstract
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