It is the mission of Lee Woo Sing College to nurture students to become harmonious, and responsible leaders for the better future of the society. In this rapid changing global economy, it is important for the leaders to be creative, accommodating, caring for the others and environment, and bringing positive impact to the community and the world. In this connection, a new award ‘From ME to WE Project’ 「推己及人」組別項目獎 sponsored by Ms. Julia Woo is now called for proposal submission.
It is a group award for projects led by Lee Woo Sing College students.
To be eligible for the award, the team should:
- be in a group of 4-8 people and the team leader should be from Lee Woo Sing College
- be formed by full-time undergraduate students from any colleges and any disciplines of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with at least half of them is from Lee Woo Sing College
Scheme Details
The participants are required to propose a project in line with the theme of ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ and ‘Sustainable development’ for the better future of the College, University, and the society. The project nature and scope can vary from personal development to community service, from art and culture to business entrepreneurship, from academic to technical, etc. Priority will be given to those projects that are related to the strategic development of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The proposal should clearly state the objective, the nature and scope, the target group, the expected benefits, and positive impact to the community. The proposal must be realistic and workable. Therefore, the budget, resources requirement and the implementation plan should be clearly presented in the proposal.
The submitted proposals should not be awarded in any other competitions or fully published in a journal, otherwise, they are not qualified for entry. Each team should submit one proposal only.
Proposal Submission
- The proposal should be written in English/ Chinese;
- The proposal, including all supporting documents and appendices, should be within 15 pages in PDF format;
- Each team should submit the proposal once only to the following webform within the application period:
Selection Criteria
A selection panel comprised of internal and external members will be formed. The proposals will be carefully assessed on the creativity and feasibility, how is it in line with the theme of ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ and ‘Sustainable development’ for the better future of the society. The shortlisted applications will be required to attend an interview to present the proposal to the selection panel.
The best three proposals will be granted an award of HK$20,000, HK$10,000 and HK$5,000 respectively. If the quality of the applications is good, the panel may also consider giving out awards of HK$2,000 each to other outstanding proposals. A presentation ceremony will be held.
To encourage the successful awardees to put their ideas into implementation, they could apply for a seed fund for pilot project(s) to be carried out accordingly. The details will be discussed with the awardees when appropriate.
Key Dates
- Publicity period: Feb 10 -Feb 28, 2023
- Application period: March 1 – March 31, 2023, late submission will not be entertained.
- Proposal Presentation & Selection Interview: Mid-May 2023
- Award Presentation: September 2023
Administrative Procedures
- The award recipients must attend the presentation ceremony except for unforeseeable or uncontrollable circumstances approved by the College. The award will otherwise be given to the first alternate;
- The award recipients may be required to meet with the stakeholders to share their project ideas in later stage, if necessary; and
- The Awards will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.