Spakrling in Harmony Concert 閃爍和諧音樂會

Date: 30 March 2023 (Thursday)Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pmVenue: Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, CUHKTicket: Free EntryEnroll for tickets here:* *For those who register through webform, their attendance for GEWS1000 will not be counted.*Shuttle bus service will be provided between University station and Sir Run Run Shaw Hall every 5 minutes, starting from 6:45pm to […]

Dr. Sarah LUK 陸秀霞博士

Dear students, 閱讀的兔仔 兔年之始,大家互賀新年之餘,有否想想好好善用兔年。兔仔以跳脱、靈活見稱。一個思想靈活的人並不是偶然,必須經過努力。其中一個鍛鍊思考的方法就是閱讀,閱讀是一個人的事,有點寂寞,但在閱讀中我們觸摸世界;在閱讀中我們體驗愛及被愛;在閱讀中我們超越時間及地域的枷鎖;在閱讀中我們找到心靈的同伴與安慰。懂得閱讀樂趣的人,就不會害怕獨處。這個農曆新年,我一個人靜靜地看完了好幾本書,它們是岸見一郎的「不安的哲學」、張曼娟的「天上有顆孤獨星」及董啟章的「香港字」。或許,你會從一個人的書選,對他略知一、二。或許,因為閱讀,你可以與別人展開前所未有的話題。兔年之始,開卷有益,事事如意。 Reading Rabbit As the Year of the Rabbit begins, have you thought about how you can make the most of it by celebrating the New Year together? Rabbits are famous for their flexibility. Being a flexible thinker is no accident, it takes effort. One of the ways to train your thinking

WS Teacher’s message #8Read More »

Newsletter Issue 4

It is always said that life is full of challenges. However, actions always speak louder than words. Three WS student participants of “Mr. LU Huanjiu & Ms. DENG Xiuxia A-Challenge Scheme” share their experience about stepping out from comfort zones and pursuit their dreams on the latest issue of “Sound of Harmony”. To celebrate WS15

The 4th issue of “Sound of Harmony” is now published!Read More »

DARE Workshop No.1 Ideation 夢想構思工作坊

If you plan to join the DARE scheme, you cannot miss the first workshop on Ideation! Date: 1 November 2022 (Tuesday) Time: Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Venue: FYB UG01 Guest speaker: Professor CHIU Chi-yue Prof. Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences Registration: Remarks: Attendance of workshop is one of the eligibilities to take part in the

DARE Scheme Workshop No.1 – IdeationRead More »

WS Signature Karate regular course 和聲空手道常規課程

Would you like to engage in a martial art sport through continuous practice at CUHK campus? Lee Woo Sing College now offers a REGULAR Karate training course between October and December 2022. You are going to study the skills and gain Kyu (rank qualification) under guidance of our professional trainer! All students with different levels, including beginners

WS Signature – Karate Regular CourseRead More »