UGEB 1740 Spatial Thinking and Locational-based Services (LBS)

Course description

Chinese proverb suggests that every decision-maker should consider opportunities, geographical advantages, as well as human factors (天時, 地利, 人和). Spatial thinking is a cross-disciplinary thinking method with which spatial thinker can not only identify geographical advantages from spatial patterns and relationships but also integrate information and knowledge of multiple perspectives. United States National Research Council (2005) reported that the omission of spatial thinking is a major blind spot in the American education system.

This course will teach the essential spatial thinking skills and related modern technologies including GeoInformation Science, Satellite Remote Sensing, Locational-based Services (LBS) as well as Global Positioning System. The course will not only cover the basic knowledge but also provide sufficient practical experiences. Students will be able to apply the knowledge and skills in cross-disciplinary studies and working environments.


Class details

Lecturer: Dr. Matthew Pang
Institute of Space and Earth Information Science
Language: Cantonese
Offering Term: Term 2

Wednesday 9:30-12:15


Room 302, Lee Shau Kee Building

Enrolment Requirements: Not for GRM and Urban Studies Majors
Co-requisite: UGFH1000 or UGFN1000 (Only applicable to students admitted to the 4-year curriculum)

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to:

  • understand the essence of spatial thinking skills, be able to apply related knowledge and skills to any professions and applications (e.g. urban planning, engineering, transportation, real estate etc.);
  • gain experiences in developing creative LBS business proposal to solve our everyday problem, through practices

Course syllabus

  1. Spatial thinking and its importance in cross-disciplinary studies and decision-makings
  2. Organizing spatial data and discovering spatial relations with GeoInformation Science
  3. Explaining spatial processes with Satellite Remote Sensing
  4. Visit to the CUHK Satellite Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station
  5. Integrating spatial thinking with mobile technologies: Locational-based Services (LBS), their
    business models and opportunities

Assessment methods

  • Essay
  • Presentation
  • Short answer test