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Second Announcement (29th June, 2007)

Call for papers

Geovisualization involves theories, methods, software, and applications for visualizing geographic phenomena in real or virtual worlds. This two day conference will address progress and developments in research and applications in this field, bringing together the worldˇ¦s key experts to present the state of the art and discuss future developments. The technologies to be discussed will cover new ways of visualizing geographic phenomena as information spaces, as virtual and augmented and multi-media realities (VR and AR), as well as new ways of communicating such visualizations and representations in digital environments. There will be a focus on applications which involve experts and users in the context of collaborative decision-making, spatial decision support systems, and user participation. Some of the areas that the meeting will cover are:

  • Conceptual advances in temporal and dynamic representations
  • Visualizing geographic phenomena in new information spaces
  • New techniques of display and communication
  • Real and abstract representation in virtual environments (VEs)
  • Virtual environments for exploring and discovering spatial information
  • Use of metaphors and analogies in Geovisualization
  • Locomotion, navigation, scale, and distance in Geovisualization
  • Dialogue-enabled human-system and human-human geocollaboration
  • Human-computer interfaces involving spatial visualization
  • Collaborative and participative (geo)visualization
  • The development of 3D and 4D visualization environments
  • Mobile Geovisualization in the lab and in the field
  • Web and grid-based technologies for visualization
  • Public domain GIS, cartography and visualization
  • New hardware technologies for visualization

The program committees will organize the meeting around these and related themes. The conference will aim to present a comprehensive synthesis of basic development and applications in virtual geographic environments, illustrating the state of the art and charting directions for future research.

Abstracts must be submitted by July 31, 2007 and final papers by December 10, 2007. Abstract word count should not exceed 500 words. Papers will be posted on the web site prior to any decisions about future publication in book and/or journal form.

Online Full Paper Submission System

First Announcement (30 March, 2007)


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