Workshops on CyberGIS and Cloud Computing

Room: LT2, Cheng Yu Tung Building

Date: 16 June, 2012 (Saturday)

Workshop 1: CyberGIS

2:00-3:45pm (1 hour and 45 mins)

Shaowen Wang, National Center for Supercomputing Applications /
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

CyberGIS has emerged as a new modality of computational and geographic information sciences based on the seamless integration of cyberinfrastructure, GIS, and spatial analysis and modeling. The CyberGIS
Gateway ( represents an active online CyberGIS community environment. User-centric functionality and transparent access to sophisticated cyberinfrastructure are key issues for successful development and use of the Gateway. This hands-on tutorial aims to address these issues. Specifically, most recent advances in Web and cloud computing technologies are demonstrated for the development of highly usable and collaborative rich-client Web environments to empower cyberinfrastructure-based geospatial problem solving. Using multiple national and international cyberinfrastructure environments, the instructor will illustrate how to employ cyberinfrastructure capabilities for spatial analysis and modeling, and implement service interfaces without exposing cyberinfrastructure complexities to Gateway users. The tutorial has the following four specific objectives: 1) demonstrate the use of cyberinfrastructure resources and services for geospatial problem solving, 2) understand how to access CyberGIS capabilities through the use of simplified application programming interfaces (API), 3) use multiple examples to learn about CyberGIS Gateway user interfaces; and 4) learn how to gain shared access to CyberGIS services and, thus, enable collaboration within the Gateway user communities.

Tea Break: 3:45pm – 4:10pm

Workshop 2: Cloud Computing

4:10-5:55pm (1 hour and 45 mins)

Chaowei Yang, Center for Intelligent Spatial Computing/George Mason University (GMU CISC)

Understanding GIS basics and cloud computing concepts, and working experience with Web transactions, such as purchasing tickets from

Cloud computing provides a new generation cyberinfrastructure for computing needs of scientific research, application development, and education. Cloud computing has supported projects with different computing needs. These projects range from daily operational WebGIS to high performance computing geospatial simulations. By leveraging cloud computing, the projects can be enabled with enough computing resources (that is not available previously to the public) while without having to worry about hardware maintenance and system administration. Most of all, cloud computing reduces the project cost by charging the project only when computing is being used in a pay-as-you-go fashion. Many broad spectrum projects were conducted to investigate how cloud computing can support GIS and geospatial sciences and the projects’ feedback was utilized to help build better cloud computing platform.

This tutorial integrates GMU CISC’s experiences in the projects of InterAgency GeoCloud, NASA Nebula, cloud-enable GEOSS clearinghouse, cloud-enable the NASA spatial web portal, and the design and development of Data as a Service (DaaS). I will cover three topics in this 1 hour and 45 mins tutorial for participants to gain a practical and in depth understanding of spatial cloud computing:

  1. A 30-minute introduction to spatial cloud computing will build the common understanding of how cloud computing supports geoinformatics and how spatiotemporal thinking and computing have played in building a better cloud computing platform.
  2. A 30-minute hands-on experience will give participants the opportunity to cloud-enable a geospatial application by choosing one from three different cloud platforms: a) Amazon EC2 (IaaS), b) Microsoft Azure (PaaS), and c) CISC private cloud (DaaS).
  3. A 30 minutes presentation will introduce the cutting-edge research and development examples for utilizing spatial cloud computing based on a special issue of spatial cloud computing and two geospatial communities’ practices.
  4. 15 minutes Q&As

The participants will a) learn fundamentals of cloud computing, b) practice how to cloud-enable a geospatial application, and c) understand the future research directions.

Registration Option:
Keynote Speaker/ International Steering Committee/ Program Committee/ Invited Guest: Free of Charge
Delegate with registration of GeoInformatics 2012: Free of Charge
Non-conference delegate: HK$600 PER workshop

Registration Method:
Only credit card is accepted as payment method

Registration Deadline:
8 June 2012

Click here for registration

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