Satellite Remote Sensing Receiving Station - Data Catalogue System


This data catalogue was mainly composed of ENVISAT ASAR images from Oct 2005 to Jan 2011. Those images were received and processed by the Satellite Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The geographical coverage is the circular area centered by the receiving ground station with a radius of about 2500km. The ASAR radar image modes consist of Image Mode (IM), Alternating Polarisation mode (AP) and Wide Swath mode (WS). Their corresponding nominal pixel spacing resolutions are 12.5m x 12.5m, 12.5m x 12.5m and 75m x 75m. Level 0 and Level 1b products could deliver to users. The raw data copy right was reserved by European Space Agency (ESA).

The data are free to CUHK teaching and research staff for research purpose. Please register and login at for checking the data information.

For any enquiry, please contact Mr. Kin Yeung at

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