Pre-conference Workshop

Date: 5 Nov 2014
Time: 9:00am - 12:30pm
Venue: Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registration Fee: HK$ 300

Speaker: Mr. Mansour Raad

BigData Advocate,
Senior Software Architect, ESRI

With over 25 years of experience in the IT/GIS field, Mansour is a Cloudera Certified Hadoop Developer, HBase Expert and a BigData advocate within Esri.
He has performed as team lead in architecting and implementing ArcIMS and the Flex API for ArcGIS.

Mansour holds a Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering from Boston University and frequently blogs on BigData topics and examples of BigData implementations at

Workshop Outline:
This 1/2 day hands-on workshop provides practical knowledge with Hadoop Development for ArcGIS.

  • Introduction to Hadoop and the problems it solves
  • Hadoop's components, their roles, and how they work
  • Understanding and using HDFS and other file systems
  • The Hadoop ecosystem
  • Running Hadoop clusters in a Local VM Cluster
  • Running GIS “jobs” on Hadoop
  • Loading GIS data into a Hadoop cluster
  • Data flow through a MapReduce application, using the classic spatial binning algorithm and statistical summaries
  • Export data from Hadoop for local visualization using web and desktop tools


  • 50 seats in maximum
  • 20 computers installed with ArcGIS will be available on a first come, first served basis. Participants may bring their own notebook

Supporting Organization:

Office of CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia, Institute of Environment Energy and Sustainability, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hardware Prerequisites:
Intel 4-Core, preferably 8-Core processor Minimum of 8GB RAM, preferably 16GB 500GB to 1TB of available disk space

Software Prerequisites:
Windows, Redhat, CentOS or MacOS
VMWare Player or VirtualBox
Cloudera quick start CDH5 VM

Optional, but highly recommended:
ArcGIS 10.1 or 10.2 Desktop

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