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Course Structure


14 JAN 2023 (SAT)    Obesity - from epidemiology to pathophysiology (1400-1600)

·   Origin of obesity - from brain to gut to ectopic sites

·   Obesity as a chronic disease - Greater China perspectives


28 JAN 2023 (SAT)    Management of obesity - from theory to practice (1400-1715)

·   Weight management - past, present and future

·   Role of exercise and behavior modification

·   Exercise and lifestyle modifications

Interactive Workshops - Practical Management

FEB 2023 (SAT)   Interactive case discussion: managing obesity related co-morbidities (1400-1715)

·   Clinical assessment of obesity

·   Gynecological complications of obesity

·   Cardiovascular complications of obesity


11 FEB 2023 (SAT)   Interactive case discussion: managing obesity - a multidisciplinary approach (1400-1900)

·   Role of metabolic surgery in obesity management

·   Psychobehavioral treatment of binge eating disorder in obese subjects

·   Peri-operative management of patients undergoing metabolic surgery

·   Popular diets for weight management - are these sound diets?

·   Practical dietary strategies for weight management

25 FEB 2023 (SAT)   MCQ Examination and gut microbiome in obesity (1430-1830)

·   MCQ Examination

·   The role of gut microbiome in obesity

Course Venue:

Seminar Room 1, 2/F, Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, New Territories

Teaching Mode: Face-to-face in person