About Our University Activites
The Round-the-CU Walkathon is a grand assembly of staff, students, alumni, friends of CUHK and the public to raise funds for the Cancer Centre of the Faculty of Medicine at the Prince of Wales Hospital. The event will be enlivened with dance and music. A full-day carnival with the theme of Healthy Environment and Healthy Living will also be held at the Lingnan Stadium. The Walkathon event held on Sunday, Feb. 23 was a joyous and successful one. The Biochemistry Team was joined by over 40 of our department members and their friends/family. Special thanks to the participants, sponsors, and supporters of the Biochemistry Team. They have made this event very meaningful and memorable.
[ Photo gallery ]
Orientation Day
Over 26,000 students, their teachers and parents visited the University on its Orientation Day for Sixth Formers held on 27th September 2003, 30 October 2004, 24 September 2005, 14 October 2006 and 29 September 2007. The visitors were given detailed information about the undergraduate programmes on offer at the University as well as useful tips on admission. All seven faculties and four colleges were open on that day.
 [27 Sept 2003 - Photo gallery] [30 Oct 2004 - Photo gallery] [24 Sept 2005 - Photo gallery] [14 Oct 2006 - Photo gallery] [29 Sept 2007 - Photo gallery] [8-9 Oct 2011 - Photo gallery]
Lau Oi Wah Memorial Science Lecture
The first Lau Oi Wah Memorial Science Lecture Series were held on Saturday, 19 November 2005 at CUHK. The theme of the Lecture Series is "Science for Changing Times". Special thanks to our staffs - Prof Shannon Au and Prof David Wan, who gave lecture on <藥積"瘧"離 – 追擊科學對抗瘧疾之發展> and offered lab tours to secondary students in Department of Biochemistry.
 [11 Nov 2005 - Photo gallery]