News and Events

Job Opportunities

April 1st, 2021|

Our Institute is eagerly inviting applications for the following research positions in the field of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, interested parties please submit the online application with relevant materials via the CUHK platform. [...]

Updates on Publications by iTERM Faculty Members

May 28th, 2020|

Prof. Dan WANG (left), Prof. Elmer KER, Prof. Anna BLOCKI, Prof. Hon Fai CHAN, Prof. Yangzi JIANG (right) Since the joining the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM), Professors Anna BLOCKI, Hon [...]

18th iTERM Lunchtime Seminar

November 1st, 2019|

Dr. Callum. A.C. STEWART, Prof. Kenneth LEE Dr. Callum. A.C. STEWART, postdoctoral researcher from the Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, spent a couple of hours having a fruitful meeting with [...]

Visit by the Representatives from ROHTO Pharmaceutical

September 13th, 2019|

Prof. Anna BLOCKI, Prof. Chien-Wei LEE, Prof. Hon Fai CHAN, Prof. Dan WANG, Mr Eiji KOBAYASHI (Rhoto Pharmaceutical), Ms. Hikari KUROGI (Rhoto Pharmaceutical), Prof. Kenneth LEE, Prof. Yangzi JIANG, Dr. Rose QIN (HKSTP), Mr. [...]