Research Facilities

Flow Cytometry and Cell Culture Core
It provides a wide variety of equipment, including BD FACSAria Fusion Flow Cytometer, Fluidigm C1 Single cell Autoprep system, Seahorse Extracellular Flux, etc…
Histology Core
Histology Core consists of 4 different centers and systems, namely Tissue Processors and Histo-Embedding Centres, Cryotomes …
Macromolecular and Microarray Core
In the Macromolecular and Microarray Core, it is well-equipped and supported by Microarray and Next Gen Sequencing System, Real Time PCRs …
iTERM Faculties
Being prepared, well-equipped, so as to embrace each and every opportunity and challenge in the future.
Nicole Wan2019-10-23T11:19:32+00:00

Prof. YUNG, Shu-hang Patrick
Chairperson and Professor
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Prof. TUAN, Sung Chi Rocky
School of Biomedical Sciences

Prof. CHAN, Hon-Fai Vivas
Assistant Professor
School of Biomedical Sciences