Prof. Aaron CIECHANOVER, awardee of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2004, was invited by Prof. Rocky TUAN, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK, to pay a visit to the University, giving the keynote speech for the 1st Laureate Workshop on Personalized and Regenerative Medicine by the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM) on 12 Aug 2019. Prof. CIECHANOVER shared his valuable ideas, especially with the new generation of Hong Kong, upon the macro-environment and global development of the biomedical industry, on the topic of “The Revolution of Personalized Medicine: Are We Going to Cure All Diseases and at What Price?”. Prof. CIECHANOVER shared with us his pioneering work on the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation, which represented an important advance in cell biology. He also gave his views on the future development of personalized medicine and the ethical and societal implications associated with it. Over 200 students and faculty members, from various departments and units, spanning from Biomedical Sciences, Chemical Pathology, Public Health and Primary Care, Computer Science and Engineering, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery, Pediatrics, etc., joined the Workshop, seizing the golden opportunity for this lifetime experience. Prof. Ziwei HUANG, Presidential Chair Professor and Executive Director, Ciechanover Institute of Precision and Regenerative Medicine, CUHK SZ, and our faculty members, Prof. Anna Maria BLOCKI, Prof. Hon-Fai CHAN, Prof. Dai Fei Elmer KER were also invited for presentations during the Workshop, on the topics of “The Therapeutic Control of Stem Cell Movement and Delivery for Regenerative Medicine”, “Towards Engineering of Extracellular Matrices for Biomedical Applications”, “Microfluidic Platforms for Personalized and Regenerative Medicine” and “Biomaterials and Artificial Intelligence Applications for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering” respectively. After greetings by the CUHK faculty members, Prof. CIECHANOVER then toured the Core Facilities of the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, learning about the development blueprint of iTERM and the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS). Announcement poster can be viewed as follows.
Q&A session, Prof. CIECHANOVER (left), Prof. Rocky TUAN (right)
Souvenir was presented by Prof. Rocky TUAN for the memorable visit by Prof. CIECHANOVER
Prof. Kenneth LEE (left), Prof. CIECHANOVER (middle), Prof. Wai-Yee CHAN (right)
Prof. Ziwei HUANG (left), Prof. Kenneth LEE (2nd from the left), Prof. Rocky TUAN (2nd from the right), and Prof. CIECHANOVER (right).
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