名稱 | 筆墨留情—丁衍庸與香港中文大學藝術系門生友好的藝緣 |
相關展覽 | 連結相關展覽 |
ISBN | 978-988-19492-7-1 |
頁數 | 221 |
出版社 | 香港中文大學 中國文化研究所 文物館 |
出版日期(年-月) | 2018-12 |
語言 | 中文 & English |
裝訂形式 | 平裝 |
呎吋 | 24cm x 32 cm |
重量 | 1.43 公斤 |
價錢 | 港幣$ 280.00 |
備註 | 本書收錄丁衍庸先生於中大藝術系門生友好所捐贈丁氏書畫107項及11項借展珍藏,大部分為首次公開,並收錄中大前藝術系系主任李潤桓教授、捐贈人之一徐志宇先生及文物館陳冠男博士撰寫之專題文章,另附“追尋丁公在香港的足跡”及“丁衍庸名款”。 This catalogue features a selection of 107 works of Mr. Ting Yin-yung donated to the Art Museum by the artist’s students and friends in the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK as well as 11 treasured pieces on loan for the exhibition. Most of the works have hitherto been unpublished. It also includes essays written by Prof. Lee Yun-woon, former chairman of the Department of Fine Arts; Mr. Tsui Chi-yu, one of the donors, and Dr. Phil Chan from the Museum. “Footprint of Ting Yin-yung in Hong Kong“ and “Signatures of Ting Yin-yung“ are also offered in this publication. |
目錄 | ![]() |