Sparkle and Charm: Canton Enamels of the Qing Dynasty
Conference (2 days)

Date: 23 March (THU) & 24 March 2023 (FRI)
On-site Particpation 
(Click here to register, limited quota)
Online Broadcasting, 23 March: (Click here to register)
Online Broadcasting, 24 March: (Click here to register)

Day 1 - 23 March 2023 (THU)
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
On-site participation: Activities Room, 2/F, Art Museum East Wing Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK (Click here to register, limited quota)
Online participation: Zoom (Click here to register)
Moderator: Mr Guo Xuelei

Speakers & Topics:

Ms. Zhang Rong (Resrach Fellow, Palace Museum, Beijing)
Unpopular Studies of National Social Science Fund of China "Organization and Research of Cloisonné Enamel in the Qing Palace Collection" Project Introduction and the First Phase of Research Results Sharing

Ms. Pauline d’Abrigeon (Curator, Baur Foundation)
The Secret of Colours : A review of the Exhibition at the Baur Foundation, Museum of Far Eastern Art

Prof. Shih Ching-Fei (Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University)
"Yang falang"(Western Ocean enamelwares) in the Qianlong Era

Day 2 - 24 March 2023 (FRI)
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 (morning session); 13:30 - 16:30 (afternoon session)
On-site participation: CYT 209A, 2/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK (Click here to register, limited quota)
Online participation: Zoom (Click here to register)

10:00 - 12:00 (Morning session)
Moderator: Ms. Zhang Rong

Speakers & Topics: 

Mr Guo Xuelei (Associate Director, Shenzhen Museum)
The Origin and Early Features of Canton Enamels

Mr Yang Yong (Reseacher Fellow, Palace Museum, Beijing)
My Humble Observations on Early Canton Enamels

13:30 - 16:30 (Afternoon session)
Moderator: Prof. Shih Ching-Fei

Mr Guo Fuxiang (Research Fellow, Palace Museum, Beijing)
An Investigation of the History of Canton Basse-taille Enamels in the Qing Dynasty

Ms. Huynh Thi Anh Van (Director, Hue Royal Antiquities Museum, Vietnam)
Enamelware Collection in Hue Royal Antiques Museum: Some Typical Objects and Characteristics

Mr Feng Jian (Postgraduate, Faculty of Humanties and Arts, Macau University of Science and Technology)
A Brief Analysis of Canton Painted Enamel Art from the Perspective of Material Science

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Sparkle and Charm: Canton Enamels of the Qing Dynasty Conference