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  • Ode to the Autumn Wind + 我愛秋風勁 (Box Set) (Out of stock)

Ode to the Autumn Wind + 我愛秋風勁 (Box Set) (Out of stock)

Shek Chung-ying 石中英

English , 2016/10 Others

Tags: Literature

193 x 105 mm , 346pp ISBN : 978-988-13626-9-8

  • US$19.00

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This book is a collection of 60 essays written in the 1970’s and originally published in a newspaper. It’s a record of what the author saw, heard and thought about in the mid 1960’s and mid 1970’s. It was an unforgettable time in Hong Kong. Battered and yet tempered at a young age, the author may sometimes seem harsh and extreme, but his fluent prose-poems capture his true sentiments, which continue to resonate with him to this day.

本書收錄的六十篇散文寫作於一九七○年代,原在報章副刊專欄發表,作者記錄了一九六○年代中至 一九七○年代中的所遇所見所聞所思。那是一段刻骨銘心的香江歲月。作者年紀輕輕已飽受社會淬練,思想容或偏激,措辭偶嫌苛刻,但樸實流鬯的筆觸流露令人動 容的豐富感情,是他向時代吶喊的回聲,今天讀來仍有共鳴。

Shek Chung-ying is the pen-name of Raymond Young. Shek was born in Hong Kong. His well-educated paternal grandfather was a comprador in Canton, China. His maternal grandfather, a successful Chinese pharmaceutical merchant, was one of the founders of Tung Wah Eastern Hospital in Hong Kong. Shek was a prolific writer in the 1970’s when he worked as an editor and later as a school teacher. His prose poetry and his commentaries on Trotskyism attracted a great deal of attention and were widely read. He later worked in the tourism and hotel industries before he founded Seligent Limited in 1988. Seligent, which became a strategic partner of the French electronic giant Thomson, played an important role in China’s television industry and in the digitalization of television broadcasting when the country began to industrialize. Seligent also orchestrated the merging of Thomson and the Chinese conglomerate TCL, thus creating the world’s largest television enterprise.


In recent years, Shek has made significant contributions to the academic and cultural worlds by sponsoring various activities and initiatives. He has established the BeiChuan Foundation Fund and the Sir Cecil Clementi Scholarship to facilitate student programmes in mainland China and Hong Kong. Shek was in the thick of Hong Kong’s 1967 riots. Using this first-hand knowledge, Shek set up Flintstone Culture, which publishes books and periodicals and produces musicals and films, mostly on themes based on the turmoil of that year. In 2010, Shek received an honorary doctorate from Lincoln University in the U.S. He is currently the university’s Honorary Professor, in addition to being Associate Dean of the Asian College of Knowledge Management and an Honorary Citizen of Foshan City, China.





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