名稱 填空補白:香港公私收藏明正統、景泰、天順瓷器
出版社香港中文大學 文物館
語言中文 & English
呎吋 21cm X 29cm
重量 900.00 克
價錢 港幣$ 250.00
備註此圖錄精選刊錄2012年香港中文大學文物館舉辦之「填空補白 - 景德鎮十五世紀中期瓷器」 特展的部分展品,增添文物館近年入藏的新資料,並附加鮮為人知的重要海外藏品,共計80項。旨在以實物資料對照,探討選件的具體年代,推進空白期瓷器的學術研究。適逢2021年文物館建館五十周年,這批珍藏付梓,將與一系列特別展覽共襄金禧之慶。 This catalogue features 80 items of interregnum porcelain wares, the majority of which were selected from local public and private collections in Hong Kong that were shown in the 2012 exhibition “Filling the Interregnum: Ming Mid-15th Century Ceramics form Jingdezhen”. These are supplemented by recent acquisitions of the Art museum, as well as important works at lesser-known overseas collections, offering a good frame of reference. It is our sincere hope that this catalogue will help to generate further interest, as well as more in-depth research and discussions in the field. The publication of this catalogue, together with other special exhibitions in 2021, aptly celebrates the golden anniversary of the Art Museum.