Name | Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques II |
ISBN | 978-988-19494-4-8 |
Pages | 534 |
Publisher | Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Publishing Date (Year - Month) | 2023-03 |
Language | 中文 & English |
Binding Format | Paperback (Book box sets available while stocks last) |
Size | 22cm X 29cm |
Weight | 2.16 kg |
Price | HKD$ 525.00HKD$ 420.00 |
Remark | 「中國古代黃金工藝研究」專案是香港中文大學文物館、周大福大師工作室等機構於2014年開始的一個研究項目,從藝術史、考古、科技檢測、復原實驗等角度對中國古代貴金屬加工工藝進行跨學科探究。繼2017年出版《中國古代黃金工藝》報告後,2018年項目進入第二階段,《中國古代黃金工藝.二》論文集為第二期研究成果,由文物館許曉東、童宇,康文署黎永輝、鄧汶慧合著,著重探討錯金銀,鋄金銀,金絲製作與應用三類工藝。 Since 2014, the Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Chow Tai Fook Master Studio, and several other institutions have launched a research project on ancient Chinese gold craftsmanship, a multidisciplinary and comprehensive investigation of precious metal processing and craftsmanship spanning 3,500 years that includes art history, archaeology, scientific testing, and experimental restoration. The research has entered its second phase since 2018, focusing on the three major techniques of gold and silver inlay, damascene, and the production and use of gold wire. Written by Xu Xiaodong, Tong Yu from the Art Museum, and Lai Wing Fai, Tang Man Wai from the Conservation Office, LCSD, this book is a showcase of the results of the second phase. |
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